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Support the Cause.
A unique fundraising experience
About us
The Bra-ha-ha® is a one-of-a-kind fundraising experience that celebrates survivorship and artistry. With a 38-C bra as their canvas, interested community members are challenged to construct unique and uplifting art using breast cancer prevention as inspiration.
These heartwarming masterpieces are unveiled at our annual Bra-ha-ha Awards Show and Auction, which serves as our tribute to those affected by breast cancer. The Bra-ha-ha encompasses a series of inspiring events including the Bra-ha-ha 5K Run/Walk, the Awards Show & Auction, a week-long bra art exhibit, and third party philanthropy events. All raise funds to improve breast healthcare and provide FREE mammograms to the area’s uninsured and underinsured population.
What We Do

The Awards Show & Auction
Our flagship event, the Awards Show & Auction, has bras submitted which tell a story, share an inspiration or simply show your creativity!
Learn about the Awards Show & Auction.

The Annual 5K Run/Walk
Lace up your running shoes, fill up your water bottle and get ready for a day of fun!
Join the 5K.

Host a Fundraiser
These events are designed and hosted by partner businesses throughout the year.
Host an Event.
Need a Mammogram?
Our patient care team includes some of the region’s most experienced physicians, surgeons, radiologists, oncologists and therapists. For those requiring treatment, our Breast Care Navigator will be with you through the entire process.
Schedule the Mobile Mammo Unit
Our 3D Mobile Mammography Unit is on the move! Our unit visits businesses, festivals, churches, parks and more. We bring everything to your chosen site, making it easy to walk outside and have an annual mammogram completed in less than 30 minutes.